canadiary Edmonton

Diary of Events and Happenings in Edmonton, Alberta.

Smart Fare (Arc) Pilot Recruitment

[title]Smart Fare (Arc) Pilot Recruitment[desc]Online Friday, December 17, 11am – Monday, December 20, 2021, 12pm [image: Smart Fare (Arc) Pilot Recruitment] Arc is an account-based electronic fare payment system, known as smart fare, that will make paying for transit easier and more convenient in the Edmonton region. The City of Edmonton and its regional partners (Strathcona County and St. Albert) are seeking volunteers to test the smart fare system, starting January 1, 2022, when the pilot launches. If you are eligible to be a pilot volunteer, you will join hundreds of others who will be the first to use the system for the regular adult fare and provide us feedback for improvement. Testing the system includes using public transit (bus and LRT) in Edmonton, Strathcona County and St. Albert. As a volunteer, you will be provided with an Arc card to pay for transit. Start the process here Project Name : Smart Fare (Arc) Pilot Recruitment City / Town : Edmonton Ward : Anirniq, Dene, Ipiihkoohkanipiaohtsi, Karhiio, Métis, Nakota Isga, O-day'min, papastew, pihêsiwin, sipiwiyiniwak, Sspomitapi, tastawiyiniwak Public Engagement Category : Surveys and Focus Groups Event Category : Survey Contact Name : Corporate Research Unit Contact Email : More info :…. Event Details. Location: Online , Edmonton, AB