canadiary Edmonton

Diary of Events and Happenings in Edmonton, Alberta.

Inglewood Neighbourhood - Drop-in Event (Building Great Neighbourhoods and Neighbourhood Revitalization)

12525 116 Avenue The Community League Hall will be used if there is rain or high winds. Thursday, August 16, 2018, 6 – 8pm Project Name : Inglewood Neighbourhood Renewal and Revitalization City / Town : Edmonton Neighbourhood : Inglewood Ward : 2 Public Engagement Category : Information Session, Public Engagement Meetings and Workshops Event Category : Public Meeting or similar event Contact Name : Cassie Kupsch Contact Email : Contact Phone : 780-944-7680 Additional Information : At the event, you can:, -Explore and provide feedback on different options for Building Great Neighbourhoods - Inglewood Neighbourhood Renewal:, -Share your comfort level with different options to enhance your experience walking, biking, and driving in Inglewood, -Provide your feedback on the temporary examples of traffic calming measures that will be in place on the street leading up to and after the event (please see back of the postcard for more details), -Take a guided walking tour of the measures to learn more about them, -Learn about the Neighbourhood Revitalization program and the exciting opportunity it brings to Inglewood, Project Backgrounds:, Building Great Neighbourhoods - Inglewood Neighbourhood Renewal, This event builds on public input from earlier this year and will help the City to include some of these options into the draft concepts for Inglewood's 2019 - 2021 Neighbourhood Renewal. The project will include rehabilitation of roads, sidewalks, street lights, and possible improvements on City-owned land. The City will seek additional input on neighbourhood concepts and then preliminary designs in the fall., Neighbourhood Revitalization, Congratulations Inglewood! Your neighbourhood is one of two neighbourhoods that have been chosen for Neighbourhood Revitalization. Together with resources and capital from the City, we can help you transform the vision you have for your community into reality. Revitalization is an excellent opportunity to help make your neighbourhood more safe, connected, active and vibrant. More info :… . Event Details. Location: Inglewood Community League Hall Parking Lot , Edmonton, AB