Saturday, July 23, 2016, 1 – 6pm Hello everyone Avalon Knights is pleased to announce a new event happening weekly in our shop, We call it "the Magic The Gathering planeswalker academy." It happens every Saturday from 1:00pm to 5:00pm The intention with this event is to invite new players out to learn and practice the game with other people of similar skill levels. This will be a free event there is no cost to enter and prizes will be given based on number of games played. Each league day will have a prize draw of a booster pack. So come on out and join us in building the next generation of the Magic community. City / Town : Edmonton Event Venue : Other Neighbourhood : Mayfield Short Description : a special MTG event for new players Event Category : Business Events, Other Cost : free Contact Name : shawn goodfellow Contact Phone : 7808032676 Contact Email : .
Event Details. Location:
16524 111 ave nw Look for canon centre , Edmonton, AB