10819 71 Avenue Edmonton, AB Thursday, April 7, 2016, 3:30 – 8:30pm The City of Edmonton is hosting an open house to present the concept plan for 106 Street between 61 Avenue and Saskatchewan Drive and 76 Avenue between 104 Street and Saskatchewan Drive. Construction of the project will begin in 2017 and will be done at the same time as Neighbourhood Renewal. The vision for this project was established in spring 2015 with the aim of transforming 106 Street and 76 Avenue into walkable, bikeable and livable public spaces that connect people. The concept plan being presented at the open house supports this vision. The presentation and information boards will summarize the work completed, outline the results of public input gathered to date, and present details of the concept plan. The concept plan was developed through an innovative engagement process. The City of Edmonton partnered with the community group, QA Crossroads and formed Engage 106-76, a group which eventually expanded to included members from the City, eight neighbourhoods, and several community organizations that jointly planned and hosted engagement activities over the course of the past year. Both City staff and community core team members will be available to answer questions and gather feedback. Project Name : Engage 106-76 City / Town : Edmonton Neighbourhood : Allendale, Belgravia, Empire Park, McKernan, Queen Alexandra, Strathcona Public Engagement Category : Public Meeting or similar event Event Category : Public Meeting or similar event Contact Name : Catherine Kloczkowski Contact Email : catherine.kloczkowski@edmonton.ca Contact Phone : 780-944-5772 Additional Information : Public event to present draft concept plan More info : www.engage106-76.info .
Event Details. Location:
St Basil's Cultural Centre , Edmonton, AB