PCL Studio in the ATB Financial Arts Barns (10330-84 Avenue) Edmonton Alberta Ongoing through Saturday, May 10, 2014 by Mike Bartlett Directed by Trevor Schmidt Production Manager and Lighting Design by Adam Turnbull Featuring Linda Grass and Nimet Kanji May 2 -May 10, 2014 at 7:30 pm Preview May 1 at 7:30 pm Booty Call Performance May 9 at 11:30 pm The sales company Emma toils for has accorded itself the right to dictate the terms by which co-workers can conduct inter-personal relations - a right that is applied with a brazen prurience and flabbergasting destructiveness. Emma is allowed to leave no aspect of her private life undeclared - or undamaged - in order to keep her job through one humiliation after another. An Orwellian depiction of absolute power with a savage twist to end the negotiations.... *City / Town*: Edmonton *Event Venue*: Other *Short Description*: "We all miss parts of contracts sometimes." *Event Category*: Theatre *Cost*: OPENING/FRIDAY/SATURDAY/BOOTY CALL ADULT: $28; WEEKDAY ADULT: $26; STUDENT/SENIOR (Any night except Opening): $22; PREVIEW: $16 *Tickets Phone*: (780) 409-1910 *More info*: www.northernlighttheatre.com….
Event Details. Location:
10330-84 Avenue