canadiary Edmonton

Diary of Events and Happenings in Edmonton, Alberta.

Rubaaboo Arts Festival 2013

C103 (Formerly the Catalyst Theatre) 8529-103 Street Tuesday, June 4 – Sunday, June 16, 2013 This 11 day multidisciplinary festival showcases new Aboriginal plays, music, dance, art, food, family and youth events, artist workshops, and an Aboriginal craft market. RUBABOO is open to everyone, providing the opportunity for audiences to get a great taste of the amazing work being created by members of Canada's First Nations.  This is the only Aboriginal performing arts festival in Alberta. Check website for dates and locations. City / Town : Edmonton Event Venue : Old Strathcona, University of Alberta Short Description : First Nations' performing arts Event Category : Festivals Cost : Various. Prices range from $5 to $25 Contact Phone : 780.913.3570 More info : Event Details. Location: 8529-103 Street