canadiary Edmonton

Diary of Events and Happenings in Edmonton, Alberta.

The Story That Brought Me Here - CCIS

Centennial Centre for Interdisciplinary Science (CCIS) Lecture Theatre 1-430 Saskatchewan Drive & 114 Street Tuesday, February 1, 2011, 7:30 – 9pm Thousands of newcomers are pouring into Alberta from around the globe, bringing unexpected gifts. Many are writers and storytellers. What pulls them to Canada? What happens to them on the journey? What experiences have they deliberately left behind? What treasures do they bring? How do they describe their emerging sense of place and their creative aspirations in a new home? Join Linda Goyette and several writers from around the world to share their thoughts on creating a life in Alberta. You will hear very personal accounts of joy and sadness, regret and humour, homesickness and exuberance, describe the defining moments of a departure and an arrival. City / Town : Edmonton Event Venue : University of Alberta Neighbourhood : Garneau Short Description : U of A Senate's International Week Event Event Category : Free / Budget Cost : Free Contact Name : Lisa Brunelle Contact Phone : 780-492-1357 Contact Email : Additional Information : Linda Goyette is a writer, editor and journalist with a strong interest in oral history and contemporary storytelling in Canada. While serving as Writer in Residence at the Edmonton Public Library in 2005, Linda began to work with a group of gifted writers who had moved to Edmonton from 36 nations and wrote in languages other than English. Together they produced The Story That Brought Me Here: To Alberta From Everywhere. Several of the writers will join her to share their stories. . Event Details. Location: Saskatchewan Drive & 114 Street
@t edmonton public library, edmonton event, ualberta ca